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Press       Releases

October 23, 2021

Redd Productions, llc is proud to announce that Muzak Records in Japan has released Bob Mete's second  Jazz CD. This album will be titled  The Bob Mete Trio.  'My Quiet Place'. The album will feature 13 original compositions. The Trio is comprised of Bob Mete on Piano, James Howell on Drums and Bob Bowen on Bass. Also featured on two Piano / Bass Duo's is Chris Dammann on Bass. Chris is also a Co-writer. Other Co-writers on the Album are Kristin Leigh Chambers, Casey Hurowitz, James Howell, Bob Bowen.  This album being released by Muzak Record will be exclusively offered for sale in Japan. 

The Album will also be on all ANA Airline in flight entertainment programming in December & January

                                 For fans outside Japan:

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